(click on it for a bigger image)
A green monster walks the streets of Aleppo everyday for a few hours. It’s a friendly monster, not a bad one.
The monster is a tourist, he’s sightseeing in Aleppo.
He goes only to nice, outdoors, public places where social interaction occurs, like parks, terraces, maybe a market, maybe a school. A cameraman films the monster. He makes contact with people, but never speaks. He communicates by gestures. He also can do a little dance.
One hour before the monster’s walk, I will go out with the cameraman on my regular clothes (discreet western clothes) and do exactly what the monster will do after me. I will be the regular Western Girl. A carefully planned choreography will enable me to time the activities in such a way that the exact amount of time will be spent. An example could be that I leave the hotel, I walk on a street, go to a park, buy a drink and sit on a bench reading. Or that I go to a fruit shop and buy myself some fruit, walking back home through a different street.
An hour later, the monster would do exactly the same thing.
I’d like to be freed from my "western woman" role and experiment interaction on a different level. Inside my monster’s outfit, people wouldn't be able to see my face, or hands, nothing. People wouldn't know who or what I am. The cameraman would film me, not the people around me, unless they come close enough.
In the evening, a short film (about 10/15 minutes per day) is showed on a TV in the exhibition space at the Women’s Art Festival. By the TV one can see the monster suit and head, resting on a chair. This short film tells about the Monster’s adventures of the day. The footage of both the Monster and the Girl’s “siamese activity” are mixed. Gradually, as days go by, one looses track of who is whom. This project will last 4 days.
This weblog will be daily updated with information about the project and links to the short movies. This will be only possible if we can break through the tight local control on internet. If not, we will upload the films and the information upon our return to the Netherlands.
With this project I would like to learn from Syrian people getting through the layer of strict social conduct that kept me away from them before. I’d also like to learn from the experience and input of fellow artists/collaborators.
This way I would have fun as a green monster in Aleppo, record it, show it. I’d be in touch with the surroundings, and show my experience in a light form that enhances what people have in common and not what separates them. It will also probably enhance the different treatment women and monsters get…
HOW TO BECOME A MONSTER - Workshop with children
I would like to do a workshop on “How to Become a Monster” with children in collaboration with a local school. It would be a one hour grim and dance workshop where I would like to invite children to “become” monsters themselves, by painting their faces green and adding some props (fake ears, for instance). We would then do some dancing in a playful way. Accepting difference, embracing difference and having fun is the goal of the workshop.
WHAT DO YOU THINK? - Debate Proposal
After the 4 days of filming and the workshop with children I would like to organize a debate with about 15/20 women from Aleppo in which I would show them some material from my project and some filming done in Amsterdam. I would like to organize a discussion about the issues that led me to do this project and ask them what do they think about it. My intention is to create a self-spoting amusing piece of material that would provoke laugh, and from laugh go into more deeper concerns and questions. This debate would be filmed.
Post - Production
The result of this work would be edited into a DVD and showed in Amsterdam.
I also which to do a series of DVDs were the monster goes other places in the world.
Marta Pisco: concept, performance, design of installation.
Zoot Derks: cameraman, video-editor, webmaster.
Joana Morais (www.manamana.pt): graphic design.
Magda Chrost: costume making.
Working plan (2008):
- 1st Feb.: flying Amsterdam/Damascus/Aleppo
- 2nd Feb.: meeting with fellow Syrian artist and preparations. Building of installation in exhibition space (Le Pont Gallery - Aleppo). Preparations for shooting.
- 3rd/ 6th Feb.: daily filming and editing. In the evening, showing of edited daily adventures on video installation.
- 5th Feb.: workshop with children.
- 7th Feb.: debate with women from Aleppo.
- 9th Feb.: leaving Aleppo.
Supported by:
- Le Pont Gallery - 7th Women’s Art Festival of Aleppo
- DasArts (www.dasarts.nl)
- Kosmoplis (www.kosmopolis.nl)
- Mondriaan Fonds (www.mondriaanfoundation.nl)
Many thanks to:
Issa Touma, Chris Keulemans, Rachida Azough, Elizabeth Shirinian, Anat Stainberg, Jeanette Groenendal, Mark Jansen, Arlette Munchter, Maha Hassan, Hassan Choubassi & Maya, Joana Toste, Ji-Hyun Youn, Reuben Wijnberg